Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The ULTIMATE couch potato

Yesterday as I left for work, the boy was laying on the couch watching Heroes season one on DVD. Yesterday, when I got home from work, the boy was laying on the couch watching Heroes season one on DVD. He had been watching Heroes the whole time I was at work! To be fair, I didn't go into work yesterday until noon, but still, that's a good 6 hours of dvd watching. He didn't even shower! He was supposed to go back up to LA yesterday too, but he was "too sick" to drive. He claims he's sick, but I think he's just being lazy and wanted to watch Heroes all day instead of driving 2 hours back home.


That Girl said...

It could be worse, he could have been doing this while you were home ;-)

Anonymous said...

i always find myself LOL'ing at all the things you write, especially this one.

you should've just stayed home with him!! damn responsibilities!!